Veliko ime, mala Lola.
Lola by Marc Jacobs. Veliko modno ime, velika očekivanja, velika bočica, osrednji miris...
Marc Jacobs je izbacio Lolu kao logičan nastavak na Daisy. U njegovoj kolekciji mu je nedostajao jedan cvijetni parfem koji nije toliko girly kao njegovi ostali. Tu je nastala Lola. Lola je ono što Marc Jacobs vidi kao sexy ženu. Lola je jedna chic, koketna, slobodna i moderna žena...spremna je za izlaske, Jacobsova heroina. Ali nije ni približno Lola kao Severina.
Što očekivati od parfema koji ima čep u obliku buketa? Naravno, jedan cvijetni, a s obzirom na opis i jaaaaako dobar parfem. Sve pada u vodu osim toga da je cvijetni parfem. Jacobsov parfem se otvara vrlo slatkasto i papreno. Tu je komponenta rozog papra koja je stvarno jako jako visoka, zatim kruška koja dodatno potiče slatkoću mirisa. To uopće ne traje dugo, i odmah vidimo Lolin karakter, nakon što parfem malo odstoji - cvijetna komponenta s ružom i cvijećem, a zatim dolazi vanilija i mošus. To su neki od sastojaka koji se ne mogu ne primijetiti. Na kraju, parfem je prilično težak, uopće nije lagan, svoj cilj je ostvario, namijenjen je za noć i sitne sate te teen djevojke.
Oh, da su bar Marcovi parfemi barem upola dobri kao njegove kreacije...pafem je osrednji, za one koji vole slatkasto-voćne mirise. To je parfem bez velikog karaktera s dobrim trajanjem i osrednjim mirisnim tragom. Hm, parfem koji nije nikako ozbiljan, za jednu teen djevojku koja uredno nosi šljokićavu haljinicu svaki vikend. Ovdje najveću ulogu ima ime i bočica. Jako je sličan kao i parfem Britney Spears mirisom npr., a to nije nikako primjereno jednom imenu kao što je Marc Jacobs. Vizija je bila dobra za stvaranje parfema, ima također, ali uz 2 dobra parfumera napraviti jednu kardinalnu greš postojeće parfeme sličnih olfaktivnih skupina, trebao je napraviti jedan ozbiljan parfem, malo hrabriji, ali isto s mladenačkim duhom. Zato njegovi parfemi i ne kotiraju u parfemskom svijetu kao jedni od boljih. Šteta, možda se s godinama popravi...jer velika je vjerojatnos da će parfem biti kupljen zbog branda, bočice i vrhunskog marketinga. Na tržištu postoji nekoliko desetaka sličnih, ako ne i istih parfema...Pomirišite CK Euphoria i Paco Rabbane koji su slični, ali puno kompleksniji ;)
Ocijena (1-5): 2/3
Za: noć, izlazak, one kojima nije važan karakter mirisa, zima, jesen
Miris: kruška, ruža, vanilija, mošus
Kvaliteta: vrlo dobra, osrednji mirisni trag
Top: grejp, kruška, papar
Srednje: ruža, peonije, geranium
Baza: vanilija, tonka, mošus
Great name, undesireable Lola!
Lola by Marc Jacobs. Big name in fashion, big expectations, georgeus bottle, the smell is mediocre ...Marc Jacobs Lola was released as a logical continuation of the Daisy. In his collection he lacked a flowery fragrance that is not as girly as his others. Lola is what it looks like sexy woman from Marc Jacobs. Lola is chic, flirty, free and modern woman ... ready to go out, Jacobs heroin. But not nearly as croatian singer Severina.
What to expect from perfume that has a stopper in the form of bouquets? Of course, flowery one, and given the description a veeeery good perfume. Everything falls into water except that the fragrance is floral. Jacobs perfume opens with a very sweet and peppery note. There is a component of pink pepper, which is really loud, then comes the pear which further stimulates the sweetness of smell. The opening doesn't last long, and now we see Lola's character - floral component with a rose and flowers, and then comes vanilla and musk. These are some of the ingredients that can not fail to notice. Finally, the fragrance is quite heavy, not at all airy, its goal is achieved, it is intended for the night and small hours, and for teen girls.
Oh, I wish that Jacobs Perfumes are at least half as good as his creations ... pafem is mediocre, for those who like sweet and fruity fragrance. This is a fragrance without a great character with good duration and moderate odor. Hm, a perfume that is not serious, for a teen girl who regularly wears sequined dress every weekend. The most important role here is a name and a bottle. It is very similar to other perfume smell as Britney Spears, and it's not appropriate for such a brand to have the similar fragrance as Britney Spears. The vision was to create a good perfume, but with 2 good perfumers they made a cardinal mistake...this is similar to the existing olfactory groups, they needed to make a serious perfume, a little bolder, but also with a youthful spirit. Therefore, its perfumes, are not listed in the perfume world as one of the best. The damage may be repaired over the years... because it is most likely that this perfume will be purchased forbecause of
brand, bottles and superior marketing. On the market there are dozens of similar, if not the same ... Smell the CK Euphoria and Paco Rabbane which are similar but more complex.
Ranking (1-5): 2/3
For: night, going out, those who don't care about the perfume character, winter, autumn
Smell: pear, musk, rose, vanille
Quality: very good, sillage is mediocre
Top: pear, pepper, grape
Middle: rose, geranium, peonies
Base: musk, vanille, tonka bean
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