Yesterday's post was based on the
recommendations of the mainstream
perfumes for Christmas for
her and him... now I'm dealing with recommendations with Niche perfumes. I have
hardly wait for it, it’s my favorite area... those
who are not familiar,
these are fragrances that provide
an alternative to mass produced perfumes and they are different from those from the mass
production! Soon, I’ll write
a post about these individual fragrances! This is only because of Christmas, so if you are interested in learning more about these
perfumes that are of exceptional quality, come back soon:)
Here are a 5 recommendations from Niche section.
I tried to recommend those that are suitable for the winter, while I
paid attention to the fact that women are powdery
and spicy and
mild for men. Also,
if you are buying blind, these
are one of those which are very interesting and it
would be a safe choice ;)
Jučerašnji post je bio baziran na mainstream
preporukama za Božić, za nju i njega...danas se bavim preporukama za Niche
parfeme. Jedva sam to dočekao, moje najdraže područje...oni koji nisu baš
najbolej upućeni, to su parfemi koji pružaju alternativu masovnoj produkciji
parfema i razlikuju se od onih 'običnih'! Uskoro pišem post o tome i o tim
individualnim parfemima da više saznate, ovo je samo zbog Božića, pa ako Vas
zanima više o tim parfemima koji su iznimno kvalitetni, navratite uskoro : )
Ovdje je 5 preporuka iz Niche sekcije. Pokušao
sam preporučiti one koji su prikladni za zimu, pritom sam obratio pažnju na to
da budu puderasti za žene, a začinski i blagi za muškarce. Također, ako
kupujete na slijepo, ovo su jedni od onih koji su vrlo zanimljivi i bili bi
siguran izbor, nisam izabrao one jako individualne kakvi Niche zanju biti ; )
Parfums de
Nicolai Kiss Me
Tender - Kiss me gently!
This is a perfume
of that mannes. It is very feminine
in a special way, it is very powdery
and very pleasant. Just suited for these
days, you'll always be chic with him, and you
will feel as you
are hugged :) If you mention Christmas, I
think the atmosphere could
smell just like the
liquid in the bottle. Very nice feeling is
coming from vanilla and heliotrope
which gives this exceptional tenderness.
Very nice fragrance,
and I think it will serve you well,
because it twists around the skin and creates a nice
de Nicolai Kiss Me Tender – Poljubi me nježno! Takav
je i parfem. Vrlo je ženstven na jedan poseban način, iznimno je puderast i
jako ugodan. Baš je prikladan za ovakve dane, uvijek ćete biti Chic s njim, a
osjećat ćete se kao da Vas netko grli : ) Ako spomenete Božić, mislim da bi
njegov ugođaj mogao mirisati baš kao ova tekućina u bočici. Jako lijepo se
osjeti vanilija i heliotrop što mu daje tu iznimnu nježnost. Jako lijep parfem,
a i mislim da će Vas lijepo služiti jer mi ni sillage nije slab i baš se ovija
oko kože i tvori jedan lijepi oblak!
Byredo Rose
Noir - Veeeeeeery interesting
rose, a little bit expensive, but one of Byredo’s
justified. Although it is declared
to be unisex, its leaning on the side of the
fairer sex. This is a fragrance
for confident individuals, not very complex fragrance
itself, but it is interesting. As I said, it consists of only a few ingredients,
as everybody would guess, the rose is
very dark, and everything is
packed with amber.
I felt a perfume a day after applying, though
it’s the EDP. This is one for seduction:) It is sharp,
edgy, and a
typical flower scent... that is why it found place in this selection. Want to go
out and make everybody revolve? I
think you have a winner ...
Rose Noir – Jaaaako zanimljiva ruža, malo je skupa, ali
jedan od Byredovih koji je opravdan. Iako je deklariran kao unisex, naginje na
stranu nježnijeg spola. Ovo je parfem za samouvjerene, nije jako kompleksan
parfem sam po sebi, ali je zanimljiv. Kao što sam rekao, sastoji se od svega
par sastojaka, no kao što pretpostavljate, ruža je vrlo tamna, a sve je to
zapakirano s amberom. Parfem sam osjetio još dan poslije nakon što sam ga
nanio, ipak je EdP. Ovo je jedan za zavođenje : ) Malo je oštriji, edgy, i
jedan tipičan cvijetni...zato je u ovom izboru. Želite izaći van, a da se svi
okreću? Mislim da imate pobjednika...
Serge Lutens Un Bois Vanille - Like Nicolai, a very delicate perfume.
This is a perfume for your time when you are in a warm sweater and always want to
have something with nice smell, and to achieve constantly compliments. With
this perfume you can not find the objection because it is simply good. Sillage
is not large, it is very intimate and really is perfect for romantic moments. This
is perhaps the safest choice because it is warm, powdery, tropical, sweet, and at
the same time, made for the winter.
Lutens Un Bois Vanille – Kao i Nicolai, jako nježan
parfem. To Vam je parfem za vrijeme kada ste u toplom puloveru i stalno želite
da Vam nešto lijepo miriši, a i da stižu stalno pohvale. Ovom parfemu se ne
može naći zamjerka jer je jednostavno dobar. Sillage nije velik, jako je
intiman i baš je stvoren za romantične trenutke. Ovo je možda najsigurniji
izbor jer je topao, puderast, tropski, slatkast, a istovremeno, napravljen za
Diptyque Eau
Duel - I deliberately put it underneath Lutens because
they are similar. Diptyque is
an oriental-oriented and more spicy. Vanilla as the
dominant component of this, is
built on the same principle, but different smell. This
fragrance is a more interesting
and olfactory bit better. In itself it’s a
condiment, but green
tea makes it a gentle,
slightly sweetness is the result of cardamom. This perfume is my favorite.
It is very good quality. I imagine it to someone
at the night while
walking up throught the city full of
Xmas lights, and the smell of
mulled wine comes from a distance
Eau Duelle – Namjerno sam ga stavio ispod
Lutensa jer su slični. Diptyque je orijentalno usmjeren i više je začinski.
Osjeti se vanilija kao dominantan sastojak te je rađen na istom principu, ali
drugačije miriši. Ovaj parfem je zanimljiviji i olfaktivno malo bolji. U sebi
ima začina, ali zeleni čaj ga čini nježnijim, a kardamon pomalo slatkastim.
Ovaj parfem je moj favorit. Jako je dobar i kvalitetan. Zamišljam ga na nekome
u nekoj noćnoj šetnji dok gore sve lampice u gradu, a miris kuhanog vina dolazi
iz daljine...: )
Acqua di
Parma Iris Nobile
– And finally, a serious perfume. This is pure classic.
I didn’t chose Colonia because rose already exists in Byredo fragrance. This fragrance is designed for elegant women who is serious, have
the attitude and fashion awareness
:) It does not matter how the
woman is old, but how it looks like. This flower classic fragrance
will appeal to everyone.
Stable and after
rest on the skin is very nice... It was made by 2 top perfumers, such as Francis
Kurkdjian and Francois
Caron. So they
did an excellent thing. Anyone who loves
the smell of tuberose, will like it because
it plays a major role and the iris doesn’t come to the front.
It smells sweet and soft-floral ... a good and a nice gift from
an old Italian house ...
di Parma Iris Nobile - Za
kraj, jedan ozbiljan parfem. Ovo je čista klasika. Nisam izabrao Coloniu jer
ruža već postoji u Byredovu parfemu. Ovaj parfem je namijenjen elegantnim
ženama koje su ozbiljne, drže do sebe, imaju stav i noše fashion šešir : ) to
su dame...nije važno koliko ima godina, nego kako izgleda. Klasičan cvijenti
miris, neće se svidjeti svakome. Postojan je i nakon što odstoji je vrlo
lijep...radila su ga 2 vrhunska parfumera, a to su Francis Kurkdjian i Francois
Caron. Dakle, napravili su jednu vrhunsku stvar. Onaj tko voli miris tuberoze,
njemu će se svidjeti jer ona igra glavnu ulogu i iris ne dolazi toliko do
iražaja. Miriši slatkasto-nježno-cvijetno...dobar i lijep poklon ove stare
talijanske kuće...
By Kilian Back to Black – Kilian’s little masterpiece. The perfume leads
into the right olfactory journey. It will not appeal to many, but I could not
miss. I felt traces on the skin for two days after applying. This is not one of
safe choices, but it is certainly the
most interesting. This fragrance has a lot of balms and resins in the opening, and later it turns
into honey and tobacco, and at the end the scent of raspberry and oak. This
perfume is my favorite in the winter and I always wear it. Remains close to the
skin, and the sillage is mediocre, but it is unique. Perfume is a very serious and
intriguing...That’s why its acronym is Aphrodisiac... :)
Kilian Back to Black – Malo Kilianovo remek djelo.
Parfem koji vodi u pravo olfaktivno putovanje. Neće se svidjeti mnogima, ali
nisam ga mogao nikako zaobići. Tragovi na koži mu se osjete dva dana. Ovo nije
jedan od onih sigurnih izbora, ali je svakako najzanimljiviji. Ovaj parfem ima
otvaranje puno balzama i smola, kasnije se to pretvara u med i duhan, a zatim u
malinu i miris hrasta. Ovaj parfem je moj favorit po zimi i stalno ga nosim.
Ostaje blizu kože, i sillage mu je osrednji, ali je zato unikat. Parfem je vrlo
ozbiljan i intrigantan...zato mu i je akronim Aphrodisiac... : )
Maison Francis
Kurkdjian APOM - A Piece Of Me. The perfume,
which delighted me at first. It's pretty sweet
because of the orange blossom and animalistic at the
same time because of massive amounts of amber. It is very interesting
and somewhat odd in
a positive way. It smells on cleaness
and reminds me of the clear yellow and white
color... the perfume is top quality. It is so durable
and has a tremendous aura ... it was made in
the manner of Kurkdjian, has something that is characteristic from
him. This is his great
sweet smell!
Francis Kurkdjian APOM - A
Piece Of Me. Parfem koji me oduševio na prvu. Prilično je sladak zbog cvijeta
naranče i animalistički zbog ogromne količine ambera. Jako je interesantan i
pomalo čudan u pozitivnom smislu. Miriši na čistoću i podsjeća me na prozirno
žutu i bijelu boju...parfem je vrhunske kvalitete. Toliko je postojan i ima
ogromnu auru...napravljen je u maniri Kurkdjiana, ima ono nešto što je
karakteristično za njega. Ovo mu je izvrstan slatkasti miris!
Caron Yatagan
- You want to play?
Let's play! This
is one of the bombs which is
completely different from all the above mentioned. When you imagine the smell of
Turkish rider on the worn saddle made of leather and stale smell of horses...
that is a need
for masochism when you love
perfumes ... the
perfume is fantastic and I wish
him exceedingly. The fragrance is
for the brave and
courageous so to speak. This was done so successfully due to rosemary,
leather, civet (small
animal), and oak. Extremely wood-leather-herbal
and had just been created for the winter. Also a
little masterpiece.
Yatagan – You wanna play? Let's play! Ovo je je jedna
bomba potpuno drukčija od svih nabrojanih. Kada ga pomirišim zamišljam turskog
jahača na izlizanom sedlu, odstajao miris kože i je ta neka potreba
za mazohizmom kada volite parfeme...parfem je fantastičan i silno ga želim.
Parfem je za odvažne i hrabre da se tako izrazim. To je tako uspješno napravljeno
zbog ružmarina, kože, cibetke (mala životinja) i hrasta. Izrazito
drveno-kožno-herbalni i baš je stvoren za zimu. Također jednom malo remek
Comme des
Garcons Wonderwood - a revolutionary fragrance made exclusively of wood components.
It is very dark and balmy,with a high quality. Wooden components are well mixed
and if you want to smell with a woody-spicy fragrance, I think this is
a perfume for you;)
des Garcons Wonderwood - Revolucionarni parfem napravljen isključivo od
drvenih sastojaka. Vrlo je taman i balzamičan, kvalitetan. Drvene komponente su
dobro pomiješane i ako želite mirišati drveno-začinski, mislim da je ovo parfem
za Vas ; )
Knize Ten - If you want
to wear perfume from Vienna imperial court, which is a classic and one of
the better leather smell at all, then we found the solution. I always leave
at the end the most serious perfume and so this is
a choice for a male. Made for the gentlemen
in twill, tartan
ties with kid
gloves. Serious and very spicy. It smells woody
and patchouli is
very very good in this fragrance. The lovers will
love patchouli and leather.
Ten – Ako želite nositi parfem Bečkog kraljevskog
dvora koji je klasičan i jedan od boljih kožnih mirisa uopće, onda smo našli
rješenje. Uvijek za kraj ostavim najozbiljniji parfem pa je tako i ovaj iz
muškog izbora. Stvoren za gospodu u twillu, kravatama od tartana s kožnim
rukavicama. Ozbiljan i vrlo začinski. Miriši drvenasto, a pačuli je jako jako
dobar u ovome parfemu. Voljet će ga ljubitelji pačulija i kože.
I wish u a nice presents!!!! : )
Hi Juraj,
ReplyDeletegreat selection, I love Rose Noir by Byredo, Eau Duelle and Knize!
Best regards, Lena
Thank youu!!
ReplyDeleteRose Noir is very interesting perfume, I will write a review in few days! It deserves its own post. I want it, it's on my wishlist as Eau Duelle, very beautiful, soft perfume! But Baudelaire is first on the list heh.
Till next reading, Juraj