Kraj godine nam je došao...u ovoj najezdi sličnih mirisa, istaknuli su se neki parfemi koji odskaču od drugih i fantastični su. Ovo bi bio izbor najboljih parfema izbačenih u 2011. godini! ;)
Njuškajte i uživajte!
End of year has come...even though it was the invasion of similar fragrances, there are some fragrances that stand out from others and they are fantastic. This would be the best choice of perfumes thrown in 2011. year! ;)Sniff and enjoy!
End of year has come...even though it was the invasion of similar fragrances, there are some fragrances that stand out from others and they are fantastic. This would be the best choice of perfumes thrown in 2011. year! ;)Sniff and enjoy!
DIOR HOMME - reformulirana verzija je na tragu Homme-a iz 2005.g., ali ovaj je puno puderastiji, umjereniji, nema više one drske note kože i izvanredan je. Jedan od potencijalnih klasika za muškarce koje neće moći svrgnuti ni zub vremena. Ta nježnost je prouzročena irisom koji je stvorio novu paradigmu za muškarce, a to je da klasičan muškarac može mirisati i na cvijetan parfem.
DIOR HOMME - reformulated version of the Homme from 2005. This one is much more powdery, moderate, no more daring notes of leather and its exquisite. One of the potential classics for men that will not be able to be overthrown regarding the ravages of time. This tenderness is caused by the iris, which has created a new paradigm for men, and that is - a classic man can smell by a flowery fragrance.
DIOR HOMME - reformulated version of the Homme from 2005. This one is much more powdery, moderate, no more daring notes of leather and its exquisite. One of the potential classics for men that will not be able to be overthrown regarding the ravages of time. This tenderness is caused by the iris, which has created a new paradigm for men, and that is - a classic man can smell by a flowery fragrance.
BY KILIAN INCENSE OUD - ovdje se ne radi toliko o agar drvu, koliko o tamjanu i začinima. Po klasifikaciji bi trebao biti orijentalno-začinsko-drvenast. Parfem koji pruža tamjan i skupocjeno agar drvo, ali ima primjese ruma, cedrovine, sandalovine i cvijeća. Jako je kompleksan, no kasnije preostaje samo tamjan i ništa više od tamjana.
BY KILIAN INCENSE OUD - this is not so much on the agar wood, it's more of incense and spices. According to the classification it should be oriental-spicy-woody. Perfume offesg incense and precious agar wood, but there are admixtures of rum, cedarwood, sandalwood and flowers. It is very complex, but later there remains only incense and nothing more than incense.
DIPTYQUE 34 BOULEVARD SAINT GERMAIN - jedan parfem koji odstupa od uobičajenih kreacija Diptyque kuće. Jako interesantan i začinski. Napravljen je u čast pedesete godišnjice povodom otvaranja njihovog prvog dućana i ovim parfemom su pokušali dočarati mirs onog trena kada zakoračite u taj dućan. Odlično.
DIPTYQUE 34 BOULEVARD SAINT GERMAIN - a parfume that deviates from the usual creation of Diptyque home. Very interesting and spicy. It was created in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of their first store and the perfume tried to evoke the moment you step into this store. Excellent.
DIPTYQUE 34 BOULEVARD SAINT GERMAIN - a parfume that deviates from the usual creation of Diptyque home. Very interesting and spicy. It was created in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of their first store and the perfume tried to evoke the moment you step into this store. Excellent.
GUERLAIN IDYLLE DUET - parfem koji nije imao reklamnu kampanju kao sam Idylle. Ovo je zapravo ''flanker'' popularnog originala. Duet je iznimno orijentalan, sastoji se od ruže i pačulija koji u spoju tvore divnu kompoziciju. Pačuli, jedna pretežno muška nota u mirisu za žene je jedno lijepo malo čudo. Thierry Wasser je napravio i više nego dobar posao s ovim parfemom. Cvijetno orijentalni miris.
GUERLAIN IDYLLE DUET - a perfume that did not have an advertising campaign as Idylle. This is actually the ''flanker' of 'the popular original. Duet is a very oriental, consisting of rose and patchouli, which in combination form a wonderful composition. Patchouli, a predominantly masculine note in the fragrance for women is a little miracle. Thierry Wasser has made more than a good job with this perfume. Flowery fragrance.
SERGE LUTENS VITRIOL D'OEILLET - jedno malo čudo iz Lutensove radionice. Po definiciji je unisex, ali je pretežito ženstven. Parfem je iznimno zanimljiv, u Lutensovom stilu. Pun začina te je također orijentalan. Note koje su tako pomiješane da čine jednu čudnovatu strukturu, koja je jako neuobičajena. Parfem je umjetnički rad.
SERGE LUTENS VITRIOL D'OEILLET - a little miracle from Lutens workshos. By definition, it's unisex, but it is predominantly female. The fragrance is very interesting, in Lutens style. Full of spices and its also oriental. Note that the notes are so mixed that they make a strange structure, which is very unusual. The perfume is a work of art.
SERGE LUTENS VITRIOL D'OEILLET - a little miracle from Lutens workshos. By definition, it's unisex, but it is predominantly female. The fragrance is very interesting, in Lutens style. Full of spices and its also oriental. Note that the notes are so mixed that they make a strange structure, which is very unusual. The perfume is a work of art.
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