A perfume with Biblical motive.
Parfem s biblijskim motivom.
Dance of the Seven Veils carries with its scent on the Orient. A fragrance that is structured of pure oriental vanilla. The
fragrance itself is quite thick and strong, long lasting, but probably not so long lasting
as we can remember the persons who were the inspiration for the name of this fragrance.
Seven Veils is a dance because of which John the Baptist lost his head. John
criticized the marriage of Herod and Herodias because she was a wife of King Herod's brother, and so the king Herod gave the order to kill his brother so he could marry
her. Herod promised a generous gift to his niece for the birthday if she perform seven veils dance, she can get whatever she wants. Niece was persuaded by Herodias to perform the dance because she wanted John's head on a platter because of criticism. And that's how John the Baptist lost his head. Now imagine a perfume based on the story? Although
the official Byredo applies it only to the seductive dance of seven veils,
which was performed by almost naked women (like belly dancing) for
seduction. The most famous dancer of the seductive dance was Salome because she was able to enchant the men.
We have an oriental vanilla that was created in honor of the most sensual dance you can imagine. The perfume is made in a most sensual and opulent manner. The scent is exotic and very, very deep with soft touch of spices. Vanilla si dominant and the main carrier of the composition. It is soft, sensual, powdery and thick. Although classified as unisex, it's
leaning toward the feminine side with a dose of ultimate seduction! What is the Opium by YSL in oriental category, the Seven Veils is in oriental-vanilla category. Very close to the beauty of Shalimar because it will take you to Orient. It is soft, warm and gentle. A perfume you will decide to wear during romantic moments because you will need its softness and delicacy on your side. Its scent trail is very moderate and you will need to let someone close to your neck. The
scent is like this - you will feel vanilla, carrot, sandalwood and
unconventional oriental note of wisteria, orchid and light rose. I can't imagine more suitable scent for Christmas because of its almost gourmand feeling and warm atmosphere it exhales. The carrot note is superbly crafted and it gives uniqueness to the fragrance because it makes itone of a kind. It is ideal for occasions like fetivities because it's olfactively very strong and you will make memories wearing it. It is extremely creamy and powdery which will transport you to the warm room where fire crackles.
Interested in a dance?
Artisanal craft (1-5): 4
For: romantic moments, winter night
Type: sensual, elegant and oriental, interesting
Top: carrots, berries
Medium: Tahitian vanilla flower, Laurier rose, glycine, tiger orchid
Base: sandalwood, vanilla beans
Note: beautiful carrot note mixed up with warm vanilla
Ples sedam velova nas nosi u orijent...jedan parfem koji je po strukturi jedna čista orijentalna vanilija. Miris je sam po sebi prilično gust i snažan, dugotrajan...ali vjerojatno nije toliko dugotrajan koliko pamtimo osobe po kojima ovaj parfem nosi ime.
Sedam vela (Seven Veils) je ples zbog kojega je Ivan Krstitelj ostao bez glave. Kritizirao je brak Heroda i Herodije jer je ona žena njegovog brata kojeg je kralj Herod dao ubiti kako bi ju mogao oženiti. Svojoj nećakinji je obećao ako na rođendan izvede ples Sedam vela, može dobiti što god poželi. Ona je na nagovor Herodije, poželjela Ivanovu glavu na pladnju, što se i ostvarilo. Sada zamislite parfem na temelju te priče? Iako se službeni Byredo odnosi samo na zavodnički ples Sedam vela kojeg izvode skoro gole žene (slično trbušnom plesu) za zavođenje. Najpoznatija plesačica tog zavodničkog plesa koji je muškarce bacao u trans, bila je Salome!
Dakle, imamo jednu orijentalnu vaniliju koja je napravljena u čast najsenzualnijem plesu koji možete zamisliti. Parfem je u takvoj maniri. Miris je vrlo egzotičan i dubok, pomalo začinski. Dominira vanilija koja je vrlo vrlo senzualna, iako je klasificiran kao unisex, jako naginje na ženstvenu stranu i zbilja je jedan zavodnički miris. Ono što je bio Opium od YSL-a, to je Seven veils u vanilastoj kategoriji. Odnosi Vas na orijent, stvoreno za senzualnost. Jako je mek, topao i nježan. Parfem nije ni malo napadan i koristit ćete ga u romantičnim trenucima i noćnim izlascima, jako dugo traje i mirisni trag je osrednji, bit će oko Vas, ali neće napadati i ostale iz društva. Miris je približno ovakav - osjetit ćete vaniliju, mrkvu, sandalovo drvo i nešto vrlo orijentalno što nema baš u svakom parfemu, pretpostavljam da je to orhideja ili wisteria te jednu lijepu ružu, ali jako slabu. Trenutno mi je žao što ga nisam preporučio za božić u prošlom postu jer je zapravo idealan za Badnjak kao jedan mekani omotač. Idealan je za takve prilike...nije za svakodnevnu uporabu. Oflaktvino je vrlo jak jer je poseban i uz njega će se vezati određena sjećanja. Iznimno je kremast i puderast, kao da Vas netko grli....
Zainteresirani za jedan ples?
Umjetničko ostvarenje (1-5): 4
Za: romantične trenutke, zima, noć
Tip: senzualan, elegantan i orijentalan, zanimljiv
Top: mrkva, bobice
Srednje: tahićanski cvijet vanilije, laurier ruža, glicin, tigrasta orhideja
Baza: sandalovina, vanilina zrna
Bilješka: predivna nota mrkve s toplom vanilijom
pictures: byredo.com
Jesan ti rekla da nema do vanilije kad je Božić u pitanju :D
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