Danas je red na muškim prijedlozima za novu godinu..moram priznati da mi je težak izbor, ali ne zaboravite, danas ničega nije previše! :)
Today is the day for the men's recommendations for the New year's eve...I need to admit that was difficult to summarize to only few of them, but don't forget, today, nothing can be too much! :)
BYREDO BAL D'AFRIQUE - Idete li na bal možda? Parfem inspiriran Parizom 20-ih godina prošlog stoljeća i Afričke kulture, avant-garda, intenzivan život. Parfem je stovren za noć koja dolazi. Sladak, zanimljiv, nije klasičan i konvencionalan. Orijentalno drveni parfem, miris mu je slatkasto drveni, savršen za ležernu kombinaciju.
Are you going to a ball? The perfume was inspired by Paris in late 20is and its infatuation with African culture, it was the mix of avant-garde direction, intense life. Perfume is made for an upcoming night. Sweet, interesting, unconventional...Oriental-woody composition. The smell is sweet-woody, perfect for a casual combination.
SANTA MARIA NOVELLA NOSTALGIA - Tugujete za starim vremenima? Želite ponovno dame i gospodu sa starinskim manirima? Na ovom parfemu mogu zahvaliti dobrom prijatelju što mi ga je otkrio jednom prilikom... Parfem je oda prošlom stoljeću i automobilističkim utrkama u Italiji te pokušava oživjeti miris pit-stopa. Nešto fantastično, najoštriji i najneuobičajeniji miris koji sam osjetio. Nešto strašno, ali toliko lijepo...jedan od lijepših drydown-a. Obavezno nositi danas!
Are you morning for an old times? Do you want to evoke the gentleman's and lady's with a good manners? I'm thankfull to a good friend of mine who has discovered me this miracle once...The perfume is an ode to the past century and automotive races in Italy, it evokes the smell of pit-stop. It's something fantastic, the most sharpest and unconventional scents I have ever tried. It's somehow dreadfull, but so beautiful at the same time...one of the best drydowns. Obligated to wear it today!
BY KILIAN STRAIGHT TO HEAVEN - Da da da. Obično novogodišnja noć protekne u znaku dobre zabave, dobrog društva i svih popratnih sadržaja. Ovaj parfem odiše nečim jako primamljivim, neodoljivim, a to je rum i pačuli. Savršeno se uklapaju ove note u atmosferu, a parfem je jedan od lijepših, rafiniranijih i smirenijih pačulija pomiješanih s rumom i drvom.
Yes yes yes. New year's eve usually pass in a good mood, good company and all the things that are part of the fun. This perfume respire with something which is very tempting, alluring, tasty, and that is the rum and patchouli. Those notes blends perfectly for the night and the atmosphere. Straight to Heaven is one of the most beautiful, refined and calmed patchouli mixed up with the wood and rum.
YVES SAINT LAURENT LA NUIT DE L'HOMME - Ime sve govori! Jedan slatkasto zavodnički parfem. Nekako je taman i spreman na sve, točno poziva na noć i na noćna iskušenja. S takvim mirisnim tragom sigurno nećete biti nezapaženi...Slatkast miris za zavođenje, iznimno muški...
The name tells everything! It is a night time seductive fragrance. It's somehow dark and prepared for everything, it recalls the night and all temptations of the night. With such smelly trail, you will not be unnoticed...sweet smell for seduction, very manly...
THIERRY MUGLER A*MEN - Vrlo zanimljivo ime, dvosmisleno :) Kao što rekoh na početku, ove noći ničega nije previše, pa tako i ova mala bombica od parfema ima zeleno svijetlo. Toliko je jak i prodoran da se to rijetko viđa među mainstream parfemima. Toliko je sladak, karamelast i začinski da je dovoljno malo špriceva da se osjeti. Odiše posebnom slatkoćom koja stvara oklop...
Interesting name, ambiguous :) As I said it on the start, in the upcoming night, there cannot be too much of anything, regarding that, this small perfume bomb has the approval for use. It's so strong and cutting that this can be rarely seen on the mainstream market. It's very sweet, full of the caramel and spices, onloy few drops will be enough. It respires with sweetness which creates the armor...
NOTE: every picture is from sartorialist.com
I like Bal d'Afrique too! I would really like to try Nostalgia.
ReplyDeleteBal is great scent, very interesting! Youthfull-sweet scent. ;) Nostalgia is special, one of a kind, it's really a must try. Smells on a chemical stuff at the opening!