Tuesday, January 3, 2012

IT items in 2012!!!

Nadam se da ste se lijepo proveli i isto tako ušli u novu godinu, svaka nova godina donosi i nove trendove, stoga, neki od ovih trendova ne bi trebali niti nas zaobići, ako želimo biti fashion, u budućnosti nas čeka....uz svaku kombinaciju ide odgovarajući parfem :)


I hope that you have stepped into new years joyfully and happy! Each year bring us new trends, so, some of this trends will not pass by, in the future, this is what we can expect if you want to be in a trend...with every combination it goes matching perfume :)


A hat...

Borsalino za Max&Co.
Borsalino for Max&Co.

Šešir, o da. Zapravo, nikada ni nisu izumrli, samo što taj detalj češće koristi aristokracija i oni ozbiljniji. Sada je šešir nezaobilazan detalj, a nadam se da će tako i ostati. Postao je dostupan svima i savršeno može uklopiti look! Izvrstan i profinjen detalj za 2012!
A hat, ohh yes. Matter in fact, they have never runned out, it was used by aristocracy and for those who are serious. Now is unavoidable detail, and I'm hoping it will remain so. it became available to everybody and it can perfectly blend it every look! Classy and elegant IT detail of 2012!


Paisley, paisley, paisley...

Želite biti razigrani? Etro, jedan od mojih najdražih dizajnerskih kuća nudi rješenje. Najpoznatiji su po Paisley uzorku. Savršen je za vesele i ljetne kombinacije, kako za muškarce, tako i za žene...nešto prelijepo i puno boja. Šteta što je taj uzorak podcijenjen...
You want to be playfull? Etro, one of my favourite houses has a solution. They are most known on its Paisley printing. It's perfect for a cheerfull and summer combinations, so as for men and women...something beautiful and colorfull. It's a pitty that is very underrestimated print...


Leather clutch

Clutch od brušene kože...Bottega Veneta će postati trend nadam se. Iako su cijenom skupi, ovaj brand je vrhunski, ima ono nešto. Brušena koža s detaljima u boji. Jako lijepo, opušteno i elegantno.
Clutch made of brushed leather...Bottega Veneta will becaome IT I hope. They're very expensive, but this brand is from a high class, it has ''something''. Brushed leather with details in color. Very nice, relaxed and elegant.


Curved heels

Sve što ću reći je to da smo se dosta ngledali Campbellica, sve blogerice ih imaju i jednostavno...dosta!
Ovo je slična varijacija, ali ipak nudi osvježenje...napravile su boom!
All I have to say that we have watched enough Campbell's, all bloggers have it and simply...enough!
This is a similar variation, but still offers refreshement...they have made a boom!



Želite izgledati elegantno i classy? Ovo je prava stvar...za muškarce i žene...savršeno za biti stajliš i atraktvini! :)
You wanna look elegant and classy? This is the right thing...for men and women...perfect to be stylish and attractive! :)



Neonski puloveri...treba li išta više reći? OBAVEZNO NOSITI!
Neon sweaters..do I have to say more? OBLIGATED TO WEAR!

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