Thursday, January 19, 2012

By Kilian Asian Tales

 Less than a couple of weeks since the news of the launch of Amber Oud, and it is already announced a completely new collection. Mister Kilian said on the begining of the last year that he will surprise his fans. I wondered what it might be, maybe some new editions of the Arabian Nights collection, some contrast to the 'Black' collection.
At the end, I belive that he has surprised us with Red masterpieces, L'Oeuvre Rouge are coming! ;)


Nije proslo ni par tjedana od vijesti o lansiranju Amber Ouda, a već je najavljena potpuno nova kolekcija. 
Još je početkom prošle godine gospodin Kilian izjavio kako će u 2012. iznenaditi svoje fanove. Pitao sam se što bi to moglo biti, možda neka nova izdanja u Arabian Nights kolekciji ili neki kontrast 'Crnoj' kolekciji. 

Na kraju, vjerujem da nas je sve iznenadio s Crvenim remek-djelima, odnosno, stižu L'Oeuvre Rouge! ;)

The collection is sort of homage to Chinese culture and its rich history. The whole collection respires with symbolicism which is strong reminiscent of spiritual Chinese tradition, customs and culture. 
Red color in China traditionally represents something noble and ceremonial. Just try to remember ceremonies, carpets, and their lampions, red color is dominant. 
That's why the box is inside in red satin rather than black. 
Chinese coins have their own special meaning, they are sort of amulets and they were tied up with red ribbon which symbolized prosperity. Now the key is shaped in a way of brushed silver coin so it can bring luck to the one who wears the perfume. Kilian do miracles :D The goal was to make a special feeling when one opens the box, as you are exploring a jewel inside of it.
And for the end, to a letter K, number 8 is added because it represents happiness and prosperity. Generaly it represents the perfect balance of cosmos because of perfect shape.


Kolekcija je svojevrsni hommage kineskoj kulturi i njenoj bogatoj povijesti. Cijela kolekcija odiše simbolikom koja snažno transcedentira duhovnu tradiciju Kine, njene običaje i kulturu. 
Crvena boja tradicionalno označava u Kini nešto plemenito, i ceremonijalno. Samo se sjetite ceremonija, tepiha, pa do njihovih lampiona, crvena boja je također dominantna. 
Zato je kutija sada u crvenom satenu, a ne u crnom.
Kineski novčići također imaju posebno značenje, svojevrsna su amajlija i obično su bili zavezani crvenom vrpcom da se simbolizira prosperitet i zato je sada ključić koji otključava kutiju u obliku brušenog srebrnog novčića kako bi donio sreću onome tko nosi parfem. Kilian radi čuda. :D I cilj je bio napraviti poseban osjećaj kada se otvara kutija, kao da otkrivate posebni dragulj.
I za kraj, slovu K je dodan i broj 8 koji predstavlja sreću i prosperitet. Inače predstavlja savršeni balans kozmosa zbog svog savršenog oblika.

I'm hoping that these perfumes will be succesfully mastered. The concept is good, idea is extremely good, we only need to wait the releases. Let's hope that Kilian will justify his reputation which he gained and that he will offer us something new and interesting!

Ja se nadam da će ovi parfemi biti uspješno odrađeni. Koncept je dobar, ideja je izvrsna, sada samo moramo čekati izdanja. Nadajmo se da će Kilian opravdati svoj status koji je stekao i da će ponuditi nešto novo i svježe!

L'Oeuvre Rouge:

Water Calligraphy (2012), Bamboo Harmony (2012)
The Tale of The Bamboo Cutter (2012)
The Peony Pavillion (2013)
The Peach Flower Water Surface (2014)
The Lotus Flower and The King Dragon (2015)

For now, there will be only two perfumes: Water Calligraphy and Bamboo Harmony
Za sada dolaze dva parfema: Water Calligraphy i Bamboo Harmony  

Water Calligraphy: 
sparkling grapefruit zest, cherry blossom, delicate water lily
majestic magnolia, jasmine sambac
cardamom and vetiver

Bamboo Harmony: 
bright notes of bergamot, neroli and orange bigarade
white tea leaves, mimosa, illumineted by a touch of spice
rare essence of mate, woven sensual fig leaves and oak moss

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