Saturday, January 21, 2012

New perfume!! Francis Kurkdjian is going to launch perfume based on Oud!

We  have patiently waited and now it is here. One of my favorite perfumers pretty soon is going to launch a perfume based on oud! I had tingles when I heard that :D
Kurkdjian has just finished with the launching of pure perfumes for his own brand Maison Francis Kurkdjian, gained compliments for Aqua Universalis Forte and now is probably time for an Oud

Dočekali smo i to. Jedan od meni najdražih parfumera uskoro izbacuje parfem baziran na oudu! Prošli su me trnci kada sam to čuo :D
Kurkdjian je za svoj vlastiti brand Maison Francis Kurkdjian upravo završio s lansiranjem čisti parfema, dobio je i same pohvale za Aqua Universalis Forte i sada je valjda vrijeme i za jedan Oud

In one interview, Francis Kurkdjian has nicely explained what Oud as a raw material means. Oud is a note which is from now (back in few years) on perfumers palate. As the painter has on his palate of colors the main colors which he will use during painting, perfumer has the main ingredients which will be used in creations.

U jednom intervjuu Francis Kurkdjian je lijepo objasnio što Oud kao materijal danas znači. Oud je sastojak koji je od sada (unazad par godina) na parfumerovoj paleti. Kao što slikar na paleti boja uvijek ima osnovne boje koje će koristiti pri slikanju, tako i parfumer ima osnovne sastojke koji će biti korišteni pri stvaranju.

""People say that perfumery is a very French art. When we go down to the raw materials, most of the natural materials that we use are not from France." Most of the materials are coming from Mediterranean countries, South America, Egypt, West Indies and Far East. Apple also doesn't use american parts, and it is assembled in China, but it is still american product, isn't it? Oud is coming from Asia, I have written in previous posts about it. It was ignored by perfumers for a long time, but that is changed now. I think that the oud is a note that evokes the smell of perfumes which were popular decades ago. Very ''old'' smell, it has animalistic note which is very IN now, and among other things, it is a way of protection from killing animals. Other reasons for a rising of that material are its high quality and strongness. It is very long lasting and
very wanted. 
That's how it has emerged to a palate of the customer, side by side with jasmine, rose, sandalwood...
What makes me happy is a fact that Francis is a master for handling amber, orange flower and rose. This could be very opulent creation, probably among the best...ufff...

On a question, what will make his Oud different from the others, the answer was;
my talent will make him different! :)

We have to wait March, and then we can enjoy!


"Ljudi često govore kako su parfemi Francuska umjetnost, kada idemo do prirodnih materijala, većina njih nije iz Francuske." Većina materijala dolazi iz mediteranskih zemalja, Latinske Amerike, Egipta, zapadne Indije i Dalekog Istoka. Apple također ne koristi 'američke' dijelove, sklapa se u Kini, ali je svejedno američki proizvod, zar ne? Oud dolazi iz Azije, već sam pisao prilično o njemu u prošlim postovima. Dugo je bio ignoriran od strane parfumera, ali sada se sve promijenilo. Po meni je oud sastojak koji asocira na mirise parfema od prije nekoliko desetljeća. Vrlo ''star'' miris, ima animalističku notu koja je sada jako IN, tim više zato što se tako štite i životinje od ubijanja. Drugi razlozi za uskrsnuće tog sastojka su njegova kvaliteta i jačina. Jako je dugovječan i vrlo tražen. 
Tako je došao i na paletu kupca, uz bok jasminu, naranči, ruži, sandalovini...
Ono što me posebno veseli je to da je Francis majstor za amber, narančin cvijet i ružu. Ovo bi mogla biti jedna raskošna kreacija, vjerojatno među boljima...ufff..

Na pitanje, što će njegov Oud učiniti drukčijim od ostalih, odgovor je glasio;
moj talent će ga učiniti posebnijim! :)
Preostaje nam samo pričekati mjesec ožujak da uživamo!

pictures are taken from Maison Francis Kurkdjian fan page 


  1. When this perfume launch? Is this scent for men or women? :)


    1. It's unisex :) they say it's one of the most luminous oud perfumes... ;)
