Peonies perfume.
I think that the time to describe probably the most popular perfume currently has come :) That is Chloe Chloe Eau de Parfum. After 10 years, Chloe decided to launch the perfume which will be signature for many women, and they have succeded.
Božurov parfem.
Mislim da je došlo vrijeme za opis vjerojatno najpopularnijeg parfema trenutno :) To je Chloe Chloe Eau de Parfum. Nakon 10 godina, Chloe je odlučio izbaciti parfem koji će biti signature za mnoge žene, i definitivno su uspjeli u tome.
The first perfume, Chloe Chloe was made of tuberose and Chanel No. 5 is loaded with that ingredient. Chloe wanted to make a modern perfume with a reminiscent of a classic style at the same time. Chloe is well known with their collections full of blouses and the bottle of this one is imitation of Chloe blouse. The straight lines symbolises big knitted blouse. ;)
Why it has achieved so big success? When I'm walking in the downtown, really, on every corner you can smell the trail of this perfume, sometimes it reminds me of Guerlain Idylle. As the house Chloe has pretty really creative and arty design of free spirit, the perfume was introdued in the same way, very untraditional, but very feminine. The goal was to achieve that it can be worn by everybody, from girls to the mature women, to be worn every day, to be remembered by it. They have totally succeded, they accomplished to mix the traditional notes as rose, on absolutely modern way. Rose is very specific and her smell is dominant, but here is very unusual, very edgy. The perfume is sharp, romantic and sensual, but above all..irresistible!
That's why there are three models at the same time...
Prvi parfem Chloe Chloe je bio napravljen od tuberoze, time je napunjen Chanel No. 5 u tonama. Chloe je ovime htio stvoriti moderan parfem, ali tako da istovremeno malo podsjeća i na klasiku. Chloe je vrlo često u svojim kolekcijama poznat po puloverima i bočica ovog parfema je zapravo imitacija Chloeinog pulovera. Okomite crte predstavljaju pleteni debeli pulover. ;)
Zašto je postigao toliki uspjeh? Kada šetam centrom grada, zaista, na svakom koraku se može osjetiti trag ovog parfema, nekada me zna podsjetiti i na Guerlain Idylle. Kao što i sama kuća Chloe ima prilično kreativan i umjetnički dizajn slobodnog duha, na isti način je napravljen i ovaj parfem, jako ne tradicionalan, ali je zato jako ženstven. Cilj je bio postići da ga nose svi, od djevojaka do zrelih žena, da ga nose svaki dan, da ih pamte po parfemu. Totalno su uspjeli u tome, postigli su sastaviti tradicionalne sastojke poput ruže na apsolutno moderan način. Ruža je jako karakteristična i njen miris je dominantan, ali ovdje je vrlo ne uobičajen, jako je edgy. Parfem je oštar, romantičan i senzualan, ali najviše od svega...neodoljiv!
Zato se istovremeno pojavljuju i tri modela...
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Chloe Sevigny - romanticism |
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Anja Rubik - sharpness |
Cover: Clemence Poesey - sensuality
The perfume is so irresistible that those who don't liek the rose, could like it. If not, the smell will still be very blatant and sour. Perfume is perfectly mastered because it is fresh, clean but so seductive and elegant that is simply daring...Romantic and senusal because of rose, and sharp - again, because of rose! :) If we put that note aside, the perfume is romantic and sensual because of litchi and peonies and it is clean and crisp because of freesia which has that kind of smell - aromatic and softening. Why did I start review with - peonies perfume? I have mentioned word rose many times so far, it's time to turn to the most dominant ingredient of the whole perfume. Even thought the rose is main element, peonies are the most dominant and the recognizable scent of Chloe is right because of that flower. Peonies have distinguished scent, odor like, and thtat is the right word because it's neutral, neither smelly nor beautiful. Peonies have scent like a scent of dry wine, vermouth with a hint of light floral bouquet, very sour scent. That is the identical scent of Chloe, just add rose. If there weren't peonies in there it wouldn't have had so distinguished scent. Even though everything is based around rose, peonies are the most highlightened element with perfume.
Parfem je toliko neodoljiv da i oni koji tradicionalno ne vole ružu, mogu ga zavoljeti. Ako se to ne dogodi, i dalje će mirisati kiselkasto i napadno. Parfem je zapravo savršeno napravljen jer je svjež, čist, a opet je toliko seduktivan i elegantan, da je jednostavno drzak...Romantičan i senzualan zbog ruže, a oštar - opet sve zbog ruže! :) Ako stavimo ružu po strani, parfem je romantičan i senzualan zbog ličija i peonija, a svjež i čist je zbog frezije koja ima takvu narav sama po sebi - aromatičnu i smirujuću. Zašto sam započeo tekst s - božurov parfem? Iako sam već dovoljno puta spomenuo riječ ruža, vrijeme je da se ipak osvrnem na najdominantniji sastojak cijelog parfema. Iako je ruža glavni element, božur (peonije) je najdominantniji i onaj prepoznatljivi miris Chloea se može zahvaliti upravo tom cvijetu. Božuri imaju karakterističan miris, poput vonja, jer to označava neutralnost, ni smrad ni ljepotu mirisa. Podsjećaju malo na miris suhog vina, vermouth, s dodatkom laganog cvijetnog buketa, to je prilično kiseo miris. Tako identično miriši Chloe samo što se tome pridoda ruža. Da nema božura u kompoziciji, parfem uopće ne bi dobio novu dimenziju ni karakterističan miris. Iako je sve rađene oko ruže, ipak su božuri ovdje najistaknutiji element cijelog parfema.
The perfume which is so daring and compelling that the one who likes it will be enchanted...that's the reason why it was made for everyone. It is very trend-setter, that is his weakness. The men will go crazy, and women will feel powerfull, flertatious, so seductive that it would be hard to resist. Who doesn't like the scent of rose and even the stronger scent of opulent peonies, will have to find comofort in 'their own opium'. The perfume which can be sensed, remembered, daring, seductive, elegant, clean and feminine...
Ready to play?
Ready to play?
Parfem je toliko drzak i toliko neodoljivo privlačan da će onaj tko ga voli bit očaran njime..zato je i napravljen tako da ga svi nose. Jako je trendsetterski, to mu je mana. Muškarci će ludjeti, a žene će se osjećati ''moćne'', koketne, tako zavodničke da bi se bilo teško oduprijeti tome. Onaj tko ne voli miris ruže i još jači i opojniji miris božura, utjehu će morati potražiti negdje drugdje i pronaći svoj vlastiti opium. Parfem koji se osjeti, pamti, drzak, zavodnički, elegantan, čist,
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Artistic impression: very good, above average
Group: Oriental-Floral
For: every occasion
Type: seductive, romantic, sharp, clean, signature
Note: strong peony and rose note
Note: strong peony and rose note
moj parfem (nažalost potrošen). i istina je da se žena osjeća jako zavodljivo :) i pamte me po njemu. parfem je koji se pamti i ako budem imala priliku nabavit ću ga. bio je poklon :)
I hadn't thought about the parallel between Idylle and Chloe, but it actually makes sense: both give up a full-steam heady rose and enrich it fith fruits and other florals.
ReplyDeleteThe only difference between the two - in my opiion - is that Idylle has a quieter tone, whereas Chloe is a bit more sparkling.
Nice blog, keep up the good work.
Idylle is much more deeper and yes, has a quieter tone, but it is very very rich. You said right, Chloe is sparkling ;)
Deletethere it is - Chloe <3
što bi rekao, koji sastojak u njemu može izazivati mučninu? Prestala sam ga nositi nakon što me tata proklinjao jer mu se povraćalo od mirisa, a i još par ljudi mi je to reklo..
ReplyDeleteHmm..ja bi rekao od peonije (božur) i ruže, to su dva najintenzivnija mirisa koji su jako neuobičajeno izbalansirani. U moderno vrijeme se koristi i kemikalija Super E 300 Iso, a to zamijenjuje i amber kojega ovdje ima pa je mozda i to :)
ReplyDeleteMoj omiljeni parfem za sva vremena! Volim i ostale Chloe, svi su mi dobri, ali ovaj je baš klasika. :D
ReplyDeleteOvaj je jako interesantan..božur i ruža. Jako je upečatljiv ;)
DeleteDa, točno to, upečatljiv je i zato mi i je najdraži. :) Nema mu sličnog!
DeleteChanel 5 krcat tuberozom?!? Od kad to? Možda ste mislili na Chanel No22. Al opet nije ni No22 Fracas za Boga miloga. Podržavam vaš blog u globalu jer ima potencijala ali govorim u najboljoj namjeri da bi ovakve kardinalne greške trebali što prije ispraviti jer ozbiljno narušavaju kredibilitet vašeg bloga.
ReplyDeleteChanel No5 loaded with tuberose? LMAO!!!Now I've heard it all! haha!!Do your homework. You're a joke, man!!You are ridiculous.