Watching foreign magazines such as Vogue, Elle, GQ, Empire, they are full of happenings from red carpet from recently held Golden Globe awards. Everyone who is into fashion, they are looking back on creations which are passing on red carpet. Golden Globe awards are becoming more and more predictable because they point out the winners of the Oscar's which will be held in a month or less
Gledajući strane časopise poput Voguea, Ellea, GQ, Empire, prepuni su događanja s crvenog tepiha nedavno održanih Golden Globesa. Svi oni koji se bave modom, uglavnom se osvrnu na kreacije koje se nalaze na crvenom tepihu. Zlatni globusi postaju i prilično predvidljivi jer uglavnom ukažu na dobitnike koji će osvojiti i oskara za mjesec dana.
Traditionally, the attention goes to the creations rather on the movies and awards. The ceremony itself is becoming with years more and more important than the content. It's very important to capture the star, new dress and their fashion choice, while the word about the awards will be thrown in the second plan. It's easier to remember the dress on Oscar's of some celebrity last year than the movie which actually won the golden statue. Association on Cate Blanchett will be about her unusual dress and not on that whether she was nominated or maybe won the award.
When it's already so, I wante to look back on outfits from this year which were on red carpet.
Tradicionalno se pažnja ionako posveti više kreacijama nego samim filmovima i nagradama. Sama ceremonija je s godinama postajala važnija od svog sadržaja. Vrlo je važno zabilježiti neku zvijezdu, novu haljinu, i njezin modni odabir, dok će sama riječ o nagradama biti bačena u drugi plan. Lakše se je prisjetiti tko je došao prošle godine u čijoj haljini na Oscare, nego koji je film osvojio zlatni kipić. Asocijacija na Cate Blanchett će uglavnom biti na njenu neobičnu haljinu , a ne na to da li je ona bila nominirana ili možda osvojila zlatni kipić.
Kada je već tako, ja sam se isto htio osvrnuti na outfite koji su prohujali crvenim tepihom ove godine.
Moram priznati da i nije bilo revolucionarnih haljina, ali neke su zaokupile pažnju. Neke glumice postaju prave dive..a neke se tek rađaju ;)
Ekscentrična i uvijek nepredvidljiva Tilda Swinton nekima uzima dah, a neki kolutaju očima. Na nekim portalima je proglašena najboljom kombinacijom, a na drugim totalni fail. Ono što je sigurno je to da je jedinstvena. Meni se ovo jako sviđa. Totalno je drugačija, spojila je haljinu sa svečanim sakoom i podigla kragnu. Ima stila...zato joj je i posvećen parfem...
The escentric and always unpredictable Tilda Swinton is for someone brethtaking, and some others roll their eyes. On portals is declared as the best combination, on others completely fail. What is certain that she is unique. I like this a lot. She is totally different, she matched her dressed with classy blazer and raised a collar. She has style...that's why she has dedicated perfume...
Lisbet..ovaj, Rooney Mara nastavlja biti zanimljiva i van kino platna. Kreacija je smionija nego ostale i itekako je zanimljiva, a vjerujem da će ona tako i nastaviti :)
Lisbet..I mean, Rooney Mara continues to be interesting and outside of cinemas. Creation is braver than others and very interesting, I believe that she will continue that way :)
Angelina in this dress looks like a true diva, and she is by the work she has done so far. I like the combinations of the dress and the purse. As they use Villoresi's musc, maybe both of them wore it that day :)
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Meryl Streep |
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Helen Mirren |
Za kraj sam ostavio ove dvije dame koje su svojim kreacijama pokazale da su zbilja dame! Poptuno elegantne...
For the end I left these two lady's which shown us with their creations that they are really true lady's! Extremely elegant...
I need to admit that I'm little bit disappointed by a male actors because they were all identical, black bow ties, tuxedos, elegant and classic. At the end the choise was on those who has better tuxedo, but, I need to highlight two persons which were different than others.
Moram reći da sam pomalo razočaran muškim dijelom zvijezda jer su svi identični, crne leptir mašne, smokinzi, svečano i klasično. Na kraju se gleda izbor tko ima lijepši smoking, no, moram istaknuti dvije osobe koje se razlikuju od ostalih.
Ewan McGregor has occupied my attention because he was, unlike others, in slim fit suit and he chose a slim black tie which differentiated him from others, and, with that, he didn't wear classic black patent shoes, he was in patent oxfords!
Ironičan i ciničan britanac, Ricky Gervais je ovdje istaknut samo zato što je odlučio na sebe staviti nešto što ima malo boje u sebi! Nije bio sav u crnom...
The ironic and cinic british, Ricky Gervais is here just because he was the only one who decided to be dressed in some which has color in itself! He was not all in black...
Ovo je lekcija prave klasike. Od kada je u rukama Tom Forda, Colin Firth izgleda besprijekorno...jedan od meni dražih glumaca :) a Tom Ford da ne pričam :)
This is a true lecture of classic style. Since he is in hands of Tom Ford,Colin Firth looks of mine favourite actors :) and I don't want to talk about Tom Ford ;)
Tilda i Rooney su mi bile predivne!