Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Contemporary divas and gents and their perfumes

I have tried again to write about Penhaligon's Esprit du Roi perfume, but I can't. I can't truly understand it. Espri du Roi means a King's min, but it's obvious that I need more time till I break into it. That's why in this minutes when I'm not studying I'm bringing to you some of mine favourite 'stars'...I was very curious about their taste and which are their choices since there are endless options ;)


Opet sam pokušao napisati post o Penhaligon's Esprit du Roi parfemu, ali ne mogu nikako. Ne mogu ga razumijeti. U prijevodu znači Kraljev Um, ali očito mi još treba da prodrem do njega. Zato, u svoj strci oko ispita, učenja, donosim Vam neke od meni dražih 'zvijezdica'...užasno me zanimalo kakav im je ukus i koji su im odabiri pošto imaju beskrajan izbor ;)

Let's start with a true contemporary diva! ;)

I had luck that before two years ago, my assistent was one of the most relevant persons in Croatia for this kind of questions, undeniable expert in civic culture, film critic and expert in political science, Mr. Bosko Picula. Until the last moment, I had no idea to whom I am speaking until one pause beetween the lessons. The topic was - what is criteria for a diva? I asked a question, who is a diva for the moment, is there anyone on a trace of Greta Garbo, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn. Honestly, I thought that the answer will be Nicole Kidman, because of her shape, very elegant lady, dresses with hips, very long dresses...the answer was Angelina Jolie. If that discussion is held today, I would have agree without doubt. I wasn't so fascinated with her as the rest of the World was. I was under the influence under Lara Croft, new partner Brad Pitt, her tattos...but, those were just stupid rubbish. Quite modest, altruistic, beautiful, icon, role model, fashion-concsious, glamurous and in the spotlight. Those are some definitions which must be fulfilled...she surely does.
Modern diva Angelina...
She wears men's fragrance, Carolina Herrera for Men since her 16., Bvlgari Black is most mentioned and Creed is also in her collection. Black is qute unusual perfume, modern, smell of rubber, very edgy :)

Imao sam sreću da mi je prije dvije godine asistent bio jedan od relevantnijih ljudi u Hrvatskoj za ovakva pitanja, neosporiv stručnjak u građanskoj kulturi, filmski kritičar i vrhunski politički znanstvenik, gosp. Boško Picula. Do posljednjeg trena nisam imao pojma s kime pričam dok na jednoj pauzi nije došla tema, koji su kriteriji da bi netko bio 'diva'. Pitao sam, koja je trenutno najveća diva, da li ima neka koja je na tragu Grete Garbo, Ave Gardner, Audrey Hepburn. Iskreno, mislio sam da će to biti Nicole Kidman, elegantna dama, haljine s naglašenim bokovima, često dugačke do poda...odgovor je bio Angelina Jolie. Da se danas vodi ta rasprava, sigurno ne bi proturječio i složio bi se u potpunosti. Prije nisam bio toliko opčinjen njome kao ostatak Svijeta, u glavi mi je bila Lara Croft, novi partner Brad Pitt, njezine tetovaže...ali, to su bile samo glupe predrasude. Prilično skromna, altruistična, lijepa, ikona, idol mnogima, modno osviještena, glamurozna i u centru pažnje. To su neke crtice koje se moraju zadovoljiti...ona to svakako ispunjava.
Moderna diva...
Nosi muški parfem, Carolina Herrera for Men od svoje 16. godine, Bvlgari Black najviše spominje i Creed je isto u njenoj kolekciji. Black je prilično neobičan parfem, moderan, miris gume, jako edgy :)

Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt

He uses niche perfume Lorenzo Villoresi Musc. Classic perfume in a traditional manner. Very pleasent, it's not so unusual as it could be. And Jennifer Aniston uses it. While they were together, probably was worn by both at the same time! :D 

Koristi niche parfem od Lorenza Villoresija Musc. Klasičan parfem s tradicionalnim notama. Dosta je ugodan, nije toliko neobičan jako. I Jennifer Anniston ga koristi. Dok su bili zajedno, vjerojatno su se oboje špricali istim! :D


Nicole Kidman:

Picked these among others...


Clive Owen:

Pour Monsieur


Johnny Depp:

HIs signature is Davidoff Zino. Very rare perfume, it is very bad that it is disconuited. I believe that he bought lifetime supplies :D I had a chance to smell it and ti reminds me on a wet wood and lots lots of spices...

Potpisni mu je Davidoff Zino. Jako rijedak parfem, šteta da je diskontinuiran. Vjerujem da si je on kupio doživotne zalihe :D Imao sam ga priliku pomirisati i jako me podsjeća na mokro drvo i puno puno začina...


Cate Blanchett: 

In my opinion, she is also a diva...I haven't seen so elegant woman. She has aristocratic attitude, light skin tone, pure speech...lady lady lady. She is my favourite from all others. So specific...

Mislim da je ona još jedna diva...nisam vidio elegantniju ženu. Aristokratsko držanje, svijetla put, čist govor...dama dama dama. Ona mi je najdraža od svih. Baš je specifična...

Clinique Aromatics Elixir is her signature, much more popular than the Brit.

Clinique Aromatics Elixir joj je signature, puno poznatiji od Brita.



Uma Thurman:
She uses niche brand which has specialised in smells of everyday life; coctails, church, rain, dirt, candy's, Play Dooh plasticine... :D :D

Ona koristi jedan niche brand koji se specijalizirao da proizvede mirise iz svakodnevnog života; kokteli, crkva, kiša, zemlja, slatkiši, Play Dooh plastelin... :D :D


Robert Downey Jr:


Karl Lagerfeld:

Almost everything from Guerlain, Caron and Serge Lutens, and his favourite is...

Skoro sve od Guerlaina, Carona i Serge Lutensa, a najdrazi mu je...


Nelly Furtado:

One of mine favourite singers... ;)

Jedna od najdražih pjevačica... ;) 

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea

That would be all :)
On the list would be for sure Colin Firht if there were records, but I believe that he wears Tom Ford since they are BFF's now ;) and Coldplay. I am curious about their perfumes...

Going to study...stay smelly!! :)

To bi bilo to :) 
Ovdje bi sigurno bili i Colin Firth, ali za njega vjerujem da nosi Tom Ford parfeme pošto su si sad postali best frendići ;) i Coldplayevci. Užasno me zanima koje oni imaju...

Odoh učit...ostanite mirisni!! :)



  1. Uma mi je jedna od najdaražih glumica. ono što me posebno kod nje oduševljava je njena sposobnost preobrazbe, može biti skoro pa ružna, a u drugom trenu ljepotica! BTW, zanimljiv post! Ilina

  2. Nelly Furtado uses Angel??? That's funny.

    Zino Davidoff is regularly available in Germany, are you sure it has been discontinued? I love it!

    Best, Lena

    1. It seems so :) :D

      I have read somewhere on fragrantica...and I can't really find it in Croatia!
      Maybe jsut for some markets... ;)

  3. ovo ti je..po svemu gledano najbolji post do sada! :)

  4. ajme koji zanimljiv post :D sad sam bzvz škrablala po blogu i naletila na njega. trebao bi ih još ovakvih napraviti, kao onaj što modni blogeri koriste od prafema (tj. nose). Npr. beauty blogeri ili neki naši poznati i slavni (ja umirem od znatiželje što Josipa Lisac koristi, oduvijek mi je bila draga i predraga i u djetinjstvu).
