Arabian Nights has its original name One thousand and one nights . In Croatia was very popular TV Show based on that story and actually, those are the most beautiful Arab stories.
That gave inspiration to brand By Kilian for creating a special line of ultra high quality and valuable perfumes that will allow us to evoke the scent of the Orient. From the Arabian Nights my favorite ones are the story of Sinbad, Aladdin and his lamp, and a love story of king Shahryar and Scheherazade. This is a captivating love story. King Shahryar was fooled by his first wife and after that every he married another virgin and the nex morning he gave them killed, and so a thousand times. Scheherazade has agreed to spend the night with the king against her will and asked a sister would she deliberately ask to tell the story during the night. The king stayed awake and she began with the first story, she paused before dawn and she did not have time to finish the story, the king said that he willt spare her so she could finish the story. The other night, with even greater interest, Scheherazade began a new story, she again stopped before the dawn, and she did not have time to finish, the king again spared her life so she could finish the story... and so the Scheherazade told 1000 stories until last night, when she has no longer a single story, meanwhile,the king fell in love with her and made her queen.
I just wanted to solve the mystery surrounding the story:) Now, we have a collection of perfumes that are inspired by the Orient, and the stories which are so compelling. In return we can expect a perfume that will inspire us, amaze and delight us.
Kilian fragrance collection contains 5 perfumes with 5 olfactory journeys. It consists of Oud oil, which is located in Agar wood, which is part of a protected species as threatened and is specific for South Asia. Perfumes evoke what is important and essential for the Orient, and that is Oud in its most beautiful form, musk, amber, oriental rose and frankincense. Some Middle Eastern countries believe that Oud wood is more valuable than gold, Kilian tries to evoke the golden lid on the box. Each perfume is full of Oud and it's at the same time warm, animalistic and woody
In addition, I would say that this is a trend in perfume market to put an ingredient which is extremely expensive and rare because it offers something exotic and different, and a sharp smell ...
What is certain, Kilian knows how to make perfumes that evoke right olfactory experience... board a train, and tomorrow we head to the Orient! :)
Starting tomorrow, three perfumes from Arabian story!
Arapske noći (Arabian Nights) u izvornom se obliku zovu 1001 i jedna noć. Prije negoli zakolutate očima jer Vas asocira na popularnu Tursku sapunicu koja je nedavno prikazivana, to su zapravo jedne od lijepših arapskih priča.
Tako su dale inspiraciju i brandu By Kilian da stvori posebnu liniju ultra vrijednih i kvalitetnih parfema koji će nam dočarati mirisom orijent. U Arapskim noćima najdraža mi je priča o Sinbadu, Aladinu i njegovoj svjetiljci i ljubavna priča o Shahryaru i Šeherezadi. To je jedna očaravajuća ljubavna priča. Kralj Shahrar je bio prevaren od svoje prve žene i nakon toga je svaki dan ženio drugu djevicu i idućie jutro bi je pogubio iz ljutnje, i tako tisuću puta. Šeherezada je pristala provesti noć s kraljem protiv svoje volje i zamolila je sestru da ju namjerno pita da li bi mogla ispričati koju priču tokom noći. Kralj je ostao budan i započela je s prvom pričom, prije zore je zastala i rekla kako nema vremena da dovrši priču, kralj je na to rekao da će je poštedjeti kako bi mu mogla završiti priču. Druge noći s još većim zanimanjem, Šeherezada je počela s novom pričom, opet je stala uoči zore te rekla kako nema vremena da dovrši, kralj ju je poštedio opet jer je bio oduševljen pričama...i tako je Šeherezada ispričala 1000 priča dok nije došla posljednja noć, kada nije više imala niti jednu, kralj se u međuvremenu zaljubio u nju i učinio ju kraljicom.
Htio sam samo riješiti taj misterij oko te priče :) Sada, imamo kolekciju parfema koji su inspirirani orijentom, pričama i tako snažnim pričama. Za uzvrat možemo očekivati parfeme koji će nas inspirirati, zadiviti i očarati.
Kilianova kolekcija sadrži 5 parfema koji nas vode u 5 olfaktivnih putovanja. Sastoji se od Oud ulja koje se nalazi u Agar drvu, a to je dio zaštićene vrste jer je ugrožena i specifično je za jugoistočnu Aziju. Parfemi evociraju sve ono što je važno i bitno za orijent, a to je Oud u svojem najlijepšem obliku, mošus, amber, orijentalna ruža i tamjan. Neke Bliskoistočne zemlje smatraju da je drvo Oud vrijednije od zlata, Kilian to pokušava dočarati zlatnim poklopcem na kutiji. Svaki parfem je taman koliko i samo Oudovo ulje, a istovremeno topao i animalističan.
Usto, dodao bih da je trenutno veliki trend raditi parfem s tim sastojkom koji je iznimno skup i rijedak jer nudi nešto egzotično i jedan oštar i drukčiji miris...
Ono što je sigurno, Kilian zna kako napraviti parfeme koji znaju pobuditi prava olfaktivna iskustva...ukrcajte se na vlak i sutra krećemo na Orijent!! :)
Od sutra 3 parfema iz Arapskih priča!
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