Thursday, January 5, 2012

Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet - Churchill's favourite!

Parfem lansiran 1902. godine koji i dalje oduševljava svojom modernošću. 
Da nije napisana godina lansiranja, po mirisu bi spadao u kreacije od 1990.g. nadalje kada je lavanda postala izrazito popularan sastojak, bez brige, ne miriši ni malo zastarjelo ili zagušljivo.

 A perfume was launched in 1902. and still impresses with its modernity. If the year of its launching wasn't listed out, the smell would  belong to the creations from 90ies till now, when the lavender has become an extremely popular ingredient. Do not worry, it doesn't smell too old or suffocating.

Kako volim priče oko samog parfema, jeste li čuli možda za Blenheim palaču? To je jedna od lijepših palača u Engleskoj, jako blizu Oxforda i ima prekrasne vrtove. Štoviše, jedna je od lijepših i to je zapravo jedna od najvećih stambenih kuća. Čitavo zemljište, parkovi, jezera, perivoji i sama palača bili su poklon engleske kraljice Ane zbog pobjede kod Bleinhema Johnu Churchillu. Od tada je ta palača tradicionalno namijenjena Vojvodama od Malborougha, jednoj od poznatijih krvnih linija u Engleskoj. I, kao što pretpostavljate, ovaj parfem je bio favorit od najpoznatijeg Vojvode od Malborougha - Winstona Churchilla. Nosio ga je dok je bio premijer pa do kraja života.

 I also love the stories behind the perfumes and maybe you have heard of Blenheim Palace? This is one of the most beautiful palaces in England, very close to Oxford and it has beautiful gardens. Actually, that's one of the most beautiful and one of the largest houses for living. The whole land, parks, lakes, gardens and the palace itself was a gift from Queen Anne to John Churchill because of his victory at Bleinheim. Since then, the palace was traditionally the home of the Dukes of Malborough, one of the most famous bloodlines in England. As you can predict, this fragrance is a favorite of the most famous Duke of Malborough - Winston Churchill. He used it from the time he has appointed a prime minister position until the end of his life.

Nadam se da ste stvorili sliku o Blenheim Bouquetu. Parfem je fantastičan i zanimljiv. To su najbolji opisi. Parfem je sam po sebi diskretan s umjerenim mirisnim tragom, nije napadan ni malo, iznimno senzualan, elegantan i odiše baštinom. Svi Penhaligon's-i imaju nešto zajedničko, podsjećaju na stara vremena, a to je uglavnom zato što evociraju miris kolonjskih voda, tako i ovaj, odiše nečim starim i elegantnim, svi su rađeni na bazi stare londonske brijačnice i to im daje izuzetnu elegantnost. Otvaranje bi mogli opisati kao ''lavanda i limun na najjače'', ima onih koji se groze na taj sastojak, ali ovdje nije niti malo napadan niti zagušljiv, u savršenom omjeru je da se osjeti, daje muškost parfemu, eleganciju u spoju s limunom, jedna vrlo ugodna nota u ovoj kompoziciji. Nakon toga se razvijaju začini, ali mislim da je to smola bora koja daje jako aromatičnu i smirujuću notu i povezuje se sa lavandom i limunom. To je miris Bleinheima u njegovom jeku: lagana lavanda, začini, malo borovine i u pozadini limun. U svojoj kasnijoj fazi postaje herbalno/aromatični parfem i na koži ostaje trag bora i limuna. Prilično je linearan i ne mijenja se uopće, uglavnom se osjete već nabrojene note koje se samo izmijenjuju svojom jačinom.

 I hope that you have created the image of Blenheim Bouquet. A perfume is fantastic and interesting. and there are no better words to describe it. The  scent itself is discreet with moderate sillage and it isn't assailant even a little: It's very sensual, elegant and respirates with heritage. All Penhaligon's have something in common and that's reminiscent of old times. That feature is mainly because they evoke the smell of delicately encompassed colognes. Furthemore, all of them are made on the basis of the old barber shop in London and that gives them an exceptional elegance. Opening could be described as ''lavender and lemon on the strongest''. There are few who don't like this ingredient, but lavander in this composition isn't blatant or assailant, it's in perfect proportion to the senses because it gives the masculinity and elegance to the fragrance and which is combined with lemon. Those are very pleasant notes in this composition. After the opening, spices are developing, but I think it is pitch pine, which gives a very aromatic and soothing tone associated with lavender and lemon. That's the smell of Bleinheim in its full swing: light lavender, spices, a little pine tree and in the background is lemon. In its later stages it becomes herbal / aromatic fragrance and on the skin remains a trace of pine with lemon. It's linear and does not change at all. There is only differentiation beetween the notes with the strength. 

 Parfem je prilično muževan, ali bio bi nošljiv i na nježnijem spolu i sa svom tom aromom koja je opuštajuća, svježa i cvijetna zbilja podsjeća na jednu baštinu. Podsjeća jako na britansku gospodu jer izninmno asocira nekim mirisom na stare brijačnice. Parfem koji spada u estetiku neo-ekspresionizma što ga čini vrlo interesantnim!

The perfume is quite masculine, but it is also suitable to the fairer sex because of the flavor that is relaxing, fresh, aromatic and floral - true reminiscent of an inheritance. Reminds heavily on British gentlemen because the smell evokes the old barber shop. A perfume that belongs to the aesthetics of neo-expressionism making it interesting!


Artisanal craft (1-5): 4
Type: aromatic herbal-green
For: all year
Purpose: signature, ceremony, formal wear, romantic time
Note: complex and rich fragrance

Norton & Sons

Suits that Winston Churchill, Cary Grant and Frank Siantra wore - Norton & Sons. Penhaligon's Sartorial was inspired by that bespoke workshop.

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