Izgleda da nam dolazi poslastica iz francuske Niche kuće, a to je Amber Oud. Ogroman sam Kilianov fan i sada, tko li će dočekati 3. mjesec? By Kilian ima dvije linije, L'Oeuvre Noir iliti Crna remek-djela i Arabian Nights. L'Oeuvre Noir je kolekcija od 10 parfema i podijeljena je u 3 teme: ljubav, raj i iskupljenje i kreatorima su dane odriješene ruke za umjetničko stvaranje.
Arabian Nights je kolekcija koja je bazirana na esencijalnim uljima koji su od snažne simbolične vrijednosti za Bliski istok i orijent. Svi ze baziraju na drvu agar, odnosno Oud drvu. Taj sastojak je najskuplji koji postoji u svijetu parfemske industrije jer je to drvo jako rijetko, raste samo na tom području i ima jako specifičan miris. Mnoge kuće koje imaju naziv Oud u parfemu zapravo samo imitiraju taj sastojak spojem nekoliko nota zbog cijene same esencije, dok Kilian nudi izvorno agar ulje. To ga uostalom čini i posebnim. Sada dolazi orijentalna poslastica, Amber Oud. Amber je animalistička komponenta koja je najbliža mošusu i stvarno miriši vrlo specifično, unutra će biti još vanilije, cedrovine (miris olovke za pisanje) iz savezne države Virginia i jedan orijentalni cvijet iz zapadne Indije. Puna formula će vjerojatno sadržavati i agar ulje. Ovaj parfem bi mogao biti jedan od boljih iz kolekcije i pružati jedan unikatan i fantastičan miris kojem nema ničeg sličnog! Nakon ovoga, Musk Oud će ugledati svijetlo dana, miris mošusa i agar drva, gospodin Kilian zna posao... :)
Miris orijenta su uvijek bili jako izazovni...pa tako i ovaj!
Recenzije obje linije stižu uskoro :)
It looks that the treat is coming from a French Niche house, that is Amber Oud. I'm huge Kilian fan and now, who will wait until March? By Kilian has two lines, L'Oeuvre Noir - Black Masterpieces and Arabian Nights. L'Oeuvre Noir is a collection made of 10 perfumes and it was divided into 3 themes: love, paradise and redemption and to creators weren't given any limits.
Arabian Nights is a collection based on essential oils whose are of strong symbolic value of Middle east and orient. Each one is based on agar wood - Oud wood. That ingredient is the most expensive in perfume industry because it's very rare, it grows only at specific area and it has specific odour. Lots of houses have Oud in the name of the perfume, but they are actually just imitating the odour of the Oud because it's too expensive for common use. They are trying to imitate it with symbiosis of varied notes while kilian offers us essential oil of the agar wood. That is what makes him so special.
The oriental treat is coming to town, Amber Oud. Amber is animalic component which is similar to musk and smells very specific, it will be blended with vanilla, Virginia cedar (smell of pencil) and oriental flower from India. Perfumers formula will be revealed on official page after some time. This perfume could be one of the best from the collection and I'm hoping that will give us unique and fantastic smell which cannot be compared to anything similar! After that one, Musk Oud will be see the daylight! What to say, Mr. Kilian knows the bussiness... :)
The smeell of orient is always a challenge, so is this!
The reviews of both lines will come soon :)
Note: the picture was taken from fragrantica.com
Note: the picture was taken from fragrantica.com
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