Sunday, January 8, 2012

By Kilian Rose Oud

The second perfume from the Arabian nights collection is so gentle, opulent, soft and beautiful and if it was made a story about it from the Arabian tales, it would for sure take a place in a love story between king Shahryar and Scheherezade because of its construction. Let's start with a journey...

Drugi parfem iz kolekcije Arapskih noći je toliko nježan, raskošan, mekan i lijep te da on tvori neku od arapskih priča, sigurno bi bio posvećen onoj ljubavnoj između kralja Shahryara i Šeherezade zbog svoje konstrukcije. Krenimo na putovanje...

Quite different from the firs fragrance from the same collection - Pure Oud. As I wrote it yesterday, oud oil si one of the most expensive ingredient and I think that this composition is lacking the huge quantity as it's shown in Pure Oud. As the rest of the collection, to show the value of this perfumes, it also has the golden plate and golden tile on a box (that is connected with a thought that in some countries the oud oil is more precious than the gold). The introduction of sweet notes has resulted that it's very wearable than the other two perfumes on the market and they have accomplished an extraordinary sensuality. 
Again, this is the interpretation of Calice Becker who is a master with flowers, only thing that has caught my attention is that the type of rose which is used is Turkish and not the well known Damascus rose.


Potpuno drukčiji parfem od prvog iz kolekcije - Pure Ouda. Kao što sam napisao jučer, oudovo ulje je najskuplji sastojak i mislim da je kao čisti ekstrakt izostalo u ovoj kompoziciji za razliku od Pure Ouda, ima ga u vrlo malim količinama. Kao i ostali dio kolekcije, da bi se dočarala vrijednost parfema, i ovaj ima zlatnu ugraviranu pločicu i zlatni poklopac na kutiji (povezano s onim da je u nekim zemljama oudovo ulje vrijednije od samog zlata).  Ono što se pokušalo postići uvođenjem slatkastih nota poput kardamona je rezultiralo da je puno nošljiviji od ostala dva parfema na tržištu i postigli su vrhunsku orijentalnu senzualnost. Opet, ovo je interpretacija Calice Becker koja je vrhunska u radu s cvijetnim notama i jedina stvar koja mi je zapela za oko je ta da je u parfemu korištena Turska ruža, a ne poznata Damask vrsta ruža.

As the name suggested, I have espected the rose, but not like this. This is one of the best rose scents and it goes little bit on a feminine side, but!, but it is still unisex. The opening offers the unusual, strong and sharp smell of oud, but you can forget about that in the resto of composition, oud gives place to the rose and cardamon. This perfume is quite different from others in the collection because it is very sensual, and what is most important it's not smoky, tart and dry as incense or oud can be. The opening is a small flash of oud and rose, but after some time comes the real beauty, and that is saffron and rose! Notes intertwine and they are making reminiscent of yellow color and vanilla atmosphere for a second. Rose and saffron are giving beautiful note which is very opulent and extremely tasty and pleasant, that's the time when the perfume is on its peak, it shows olfactive strength. In all of that is mixed up cardamon which gives sweetness to a deep rose. What has delighted me is that after cardamon and saffron, oud is showing again and it plays the main role with a rose for the rest of the composition. Oud is always present, but it doesn't suffocate the remaining notes and that makes this prefume beautiful. In one point it has reminded me of Juliette Has A Gun Midnight Oud, but also it has one note which is identical to...but it lasts for a seconds, you will be shocked - to Bleu de Chanel. After some time, drydown has everything very well balanced - very opluent.


Kao što je ime sugeriralo očekivao sam ružu, ali ne ovakvu. Ovo je jedan od boljih ružinih parfema do sada koji više naginje na ženstvenu stranu, ali!, ali i dalje je parfem unisex. Samo otvaranje nudi neobičan, jak i oštar miris ouda, u ostataku kompozicije prepušta mjesto ruži i kardamonu. Ovaj parfem je iznimno različit od ostalih iz kolekcije po tome što je jako senzualan, najvažnije od svega je to što nije dimast, nije opor i nije suh, kao što je to s tamjanom i oudom inače. Otvaranje je mali bljesak ouda i ruže, ali nakon toga tek dolazi prava divota, a to je ruža i šafran! Note se isprepliću tako da tvore žutu boju i daju vanilast ugođaj na kratko. Ruža i šafran daju predivnu notu koja je zbilja jako raskošna i iznimno ukusna i ugodna, to je vrijeme kada parfem pokaže što sve može, koliko je olfaktivno jak. U to je umiješan kardamon koji daje tu neku slatkoću dubokoj ruži. Ono što me oduševilo je da nakon šafrana i kardamona, dolazi ponovno oud i ruža u igru i tako se ostaje parfem dalje razvijati. Oud je uvijek prisutan, ali ne zagušuje ostale note i zbog toga je ovaj parfem izniman. U jednom trenu me podsjetio na Juliette Has A Gun Midnight Oud, ali posjeduje jednu notu koja je identična, ali kratko traje, sada ćete se iznenaditi - Bleu de Chanelu. Nakon što se sve smiri, drydown nudi sve što ima u sebi savršeno izbalansirano - jako raskošno.

The result is that this is extremely elegant, gentle and opulent perfume. Those who don't like the smell of rose, maybe they will change up their minds trying this one because it isenchanting beautiful. This is one very beautiful oriental perfume...


Rezultat ovog svega je da je ovo strašno elegantan, nježan, mekan i predivan parfem. Oni koji ne vole ružu,
vjerojatno bi je zavoljeli jer je toliko lijepa da Vas očara. Ovo je jedan jako lijep orijentalni miris...

Little update (18.1.2012.): As time goes by I find this fragrance as the most compelling and most beautiful   from the Arabian nights collection. Pure Oud is harsh, Incense is full of incense, and this one is so opulent and rich that it can't be compared to anything else, very beautiful, little masterpiece. As a creation is the best from the line ;)

My ranking (1-5): 4      Updated ranking (18.1.2012.): 5
For: colder weather, elegant wear
Type: seductive, oriental, interesting, opulent
Notes. Turkish rose petals, cardamon, saffron, guaiac oil

Note: 1st picture is taken from
2nd picture is taken from 


  1. That is a gorgeous bottle! A lot of times I love the bottles that the scents come in more than the scents!


    Erin @

  2. Pa kada ga ovako opišeš kako da ne poželim da ga probam i ja :)

  3. Nadam se da ga mozes negdje probati! ;)
